Dari sejak awal Kegilaan Cryptopsy era " Blasphemy made Flesh " hingga " No So Vile " menjadi Sihir mematikan bagi setiap musisi DM yang ingin bermain secepat cepatnya tanpa harus galau tersesat dalam sebuah Stigma. terserah mo nyebut bagaimana Karakteristik yang diusung oleh DEVIRGINATED di album pertama " Murder ! " ini, yang pasti album yang memuat 10 lagu kejam bingit ini adalah pengalaman mendebarkan melewati sekumpulan Bidadari yang berlumuran darah saat mencapai pintu gerbang neraka, hiiiii ... there's still nothing that ever came close to matching or even replicating the utterly brilliant slab of music that fills this album. And it's no wonder, this is a one-time thing. The world will never see a masterpiece such as this again. Countless bands nowadays all try to " improvefully " upon this album's formula, but most fail horribly by imitating this album the way most haters/idiots actually look at it : a wall of Chaotic into noise. lagu lagunya cocok menjadi soundtrack ketika kalian sudah mulai membenci pacar yang mulai menunjukkan gelagat menggemaskan, barangkali membenamkan kepala-nya dalam bak mandi atau menggorok lehernya hingga putus menjadi sebuah ide menarik demi sebuah kepuasan? jika jiwa kalian sudah menjadi Psikopat, tidak ada salahnya mencoba sesuatu yang Fenomenal. Absurdly Brutal and Absurdly More Than fast Musickal Aggression. What we have here is a near perfect blend of Brutality, Aggressive, Technicality, Songwriting, and Crushing Moshpit Crowd. " Murder ! " is a Masterpieceful of Sonic Depravity that, still to this day, remains one of the most Sickening, Nefarious, and Inhuman albums released with 10 track Uncompromise. Special for fans Cryptopsy, Disfigured, Severe Torture, and Fleshfeast. Impenetrable Guttural Inflection redolent of a Sepulcher wall, creating an Amusing contrast against the frivolous Insanity of the Musical Destruction. Ladies and gentleman, this is " Murder ! ", art Expressed in the most Eccentric way possible, Damn !
Kembali DEVIRGINATED Tahun ini akan melepaskan full album ke-2 bertitel " An Impulsive Mayhem " yang terasa makin nakal dengan keagresifan liar-nya masih dengan spirit materi awal, is noticeably more stripped-down and more immediately pummeling. yess, more fast, aggressive and leaning more towards the " Brutal " side of things on their first albums ! If this is the fortieth time you've heard that in reference to a BDM album, ignore the other thirty-nine! All others in the genre are the Ford Models A-S; Severe Torture's "An Impulsive Mayhem" is the Model that got it right. materi ini memang tidak menjanjikan apapun selain Konflik otak dengan Bathin ketika tidak lagi satu harmonitas, Persetan dengan Toleransi menghargai ketidak adilan karena menurut kalian adalah pembenaran diri sendiri. and is a solid outfit that will quench any headbanger’s bloodlust and is sure to be gaining fans as they go alone ! is a Masterpieceful of Sonic Depravity that, still to this day, remains one of the most Sickening, Nefarious, and Inhuman albums released with 10 track Uncompromise. Special for fans old Cryptopsy, Disfigured, Severe Torture, and Fleshfeast. Impenetrable Guttural Inflection redolent of a Sepulcher wall, creating an Amusing contrast against the frivolous Insanity of the Musical Destruction.
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Murder ! 2017 (Remastered 2020)
01. Violent Day and Age 04:00
02. Metamorphosing Surrender 03:11
03. Blueprint Madness 02:40
04. Carnival Bizzare 03:07
05. Dreadful Obscene 02:46
06. Bungkam Dendam 03:11
07. Korosi Rapuh Otak 03:37
08. The False Prophet 02:51
09. Beats Malignancy 03:25
10. Pelangi (Koes Plus Cover) 03:16
total runningtime 00:31:53
This is remastered version from first release on 2017, have nice listening the rawmurdering!
An Impulsive Mayhem (2019)
01. Parasite Monsters 02:58
02. Social Bomb Exploded 03:05
03. Sabda Membusuk 03:37
04. Dumb or Despaired 02:54
05. Pelacur Politisi 02:15
06. An Impulsive Mayhem 02:17
07. One less Bastard on Earth 04:01
08. Resentment 02:49
09. Selling God with Different Names 02:54
10. Trauma (Godbless cover) 04:16
Total running time 00:31:09