Slavesun - The Blood Divine
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Setelah melepas Album penuh ke-3 " Breaking The Labyrinth " Tahun 2020, Blitar City Blackened Death Metal Unit SLAVESUN, sedang mempersiapkan kembali debut Full album ke-4 yang mengusung Glorifikasi menyegarkan bermerk rilis " The Blood Divine ", yang memuat 10 track gress ganas yang mencoba mengulang kebiadaban konsep materi materi era album pertama " Tartarus : The Deepest Evil Exiled ", lebih cepat, ganas, gelap dan epik ! tracklist-nya adalah : " Agonize ", " Rise Against and Forgotten ", " The Gorgons Retribution ", " Unearthly Beast ", " Immortality, " Ruthless War The Leader ", " The Blood Divine ", " The Thracian Orpheus ", " Gods of Obscurity " dan " Blazing The Dionysian ", masih mengusung lyric tema tentang Mitologi Dewa dewa Yunani Kuno serta kegelapan yang masih bernyawa. karena bagi SLAVESUN, memainkan komposisi yang memacu detak jantung bekerja secara cepat seperti ini adalah hal Mutlak kemarahan para Dewa yang dipenjara abadi dalam Neraka Tartarus. Faster than faster Production values and all over the place Uncompromised compositional Blackened Metal Approach. operate within the stylistically vague realm commonly referred to as " Blackened Death metal ", playing songs that are DM in structure and technique, with Black Metal Atmospherics and Esoteric concept the songs employ riffs that are efficiently consonant and Interconnected in transitions which are marked by sudden alterations of structural patterns to redirect flow or change mood, maintaining a constant Equilibrium of Intensity and Melody, Aggressively propelled by Surging, Relentless Rhythmical motion.
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