SPASMOBLITERATISM Unit Gore ' N ' Roll Blitar city, East Java - Indonesia. No more simple and cowardly approaches to any of classic rock samples! No compromising on showing blues roots! No pretentious and unfitting buildup! Spasmobliteratism just got together, rolled out the most pure, on the level that seemed just impossible, gore 'n' roll, and just spat in the face of anyone who is against it. mungkin buat kalian yang menyukai rock'n'roll khususnya dan rock tahun 70-an pada umumnya, setidaknya ini merupakan detil ga resmi dari perpaduan dua budaya yang berbeda. Dan seolah-olah ini adalah perwakilan Bumi dalam kontak antar galaksi, semua yang ada di sini disajikan dengan cara enjoy !, dan semua kesan serta kesimpulannya hanya bergantung pada seberapa terbuka pikiran pendengarnya death metal fans, jika mereka benar-benar ingin mengesampingkan mantra "seseorang harus setia pada genre", tentu saja mari kita akui, penyajian yang lebih Happening en enjoy lebih benar-benar generik memproduksi death metal primitif ini, mereka tidak akan memberikan kontribusi apapun pada skena ini, terutama jika dibandingkan dengan apa yang telah mereka capai pada single " Digested Squirming the Pieces ", cobalah menilai materi Spasmobliteratism secara obyektif, mungkin akan menyukainya especially buat telinganya yang udah capek digeber dengan sajian padat dan berat. karena, as already noted, has a composition more attached to rock and roll, so it is slower and groovy than its predecessors works, although its obvious that every moment of darkness or putrefaction with which Spasmobliteratism started has been lost, it is not bad at all, since most bands evolve so as not to fall into the monotony of always doing the same thing, it can be considered that it is an experiment to not replicate the sound of produce "something Hedonism". Obviously this evolution influences their sound, since replicating the music or maintaining the line of predecessor material seems to be something that Spasmobliteratism does not like at all, so they are constantly changing, perhaps they wanted to show that beyond what they had already composed, they could also create a well done fusion between rock and roll and gore/death metal. as well as showing that they are musicians who can compose a different genre satisfactorily, so if you like this kind of fusion, maybe you will get a good impression of this work. Eaaarrrgghhhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!