Vulgar Butchered - Suffering From the Beginning
01. Your fucking Shit that Kills My Life 00:39
02. Suffering From the Beginning 03:22
03. The Limits of Humanity 03:46
04. Carnivorous Impulse the Monstrosity 02:22
05. Schizophrenia is My Passion 03:13
06. The Hopelessness of Disgust 03:32
07. Sickened With Insanity 04:02
08. Transformed Into a Necrophiliac 04:33
09. Extinction the Greedy 05:52
10. The End of Essence 00:53
Total Runningtime 00:32:16
Menjadi penantian panjang dan sedikit terlupakan sejak materi baru ini dimulai pada Maret 2022, karena kesibukan yang luar biasa materi pertama baru sempat terbengkalai. dan pada hari ini seperti melalui proses yang sangat tertatih, akhirnya full album ke-4 " Suffering From the Beginning " kembali jadi dream come true again! menawarkan kesederhanan proses dalam penyusunan aransemen tanpa meninggalkan karakteristik gaya New York Death outfit in the Vein Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia, Suffocation, Repudilation, Entorturement, Between Two Evils, Dehumanized dan 420. propagate slam style death metal NOT Slammin ! nice gift of mosh-ready death metal songwriting. Make no mistake, this isn't tech-death by any stretch, but where the riffs can sometimes be simplistic as one palm-mute per beat, it's punctuated by some downright awesome Suffocation-esque flourishes where they can get fast, throw in a complex, angular picking pattern, or even a great guitar solo that comes out of left field but is still tastefully done and more of a reaffirmation of the band's identity placed into the context of cleaner, modern production than what was capable their first time out. While still enjoy every riff flying off the fretboard, there were plenty of clinical grooves !
VULGAR BUTCHERED, Side Project Ga jelas dari Herry SIC yang coba mengakomodinir kesegaran Death Metal dalam warna Ajojing dengan elemen yang masih berat menggilas lewat partisi kebencian lengkap dengan Gaya Hedonis Hura hura. Proyek kecil yang diharap makin menambah warna baru di Scene Tanah Air yang Jika hari ini Slamming BDM standard terlalu banyak mendominasi Kebodohan fans untuk mereguk stereotype karakteristik, jelas kalian sedang menginginkan nutrisi musik yang lebih menyegarkan daripada menikmati goyangan patah-patah lambat nan monoton yang makin membosankan itu. ingin menikmati suasana ajojing sebenarnya? Beruntung New York Death Metal punya solusi-nya, all hail to Internal Bleeding, Pyrexia, Suffocation, Repudilation, Entorturement meregangkan lagi pengaruh bernyawa hingga provokasi lahir-nya the Next Generation. SLAM GROOVY NOT IS FUCKIN SLAMMING, REMIND FIRST DAMN !!!
Groovy, Chuggy, and Brutal, Fuckin riffed their way through the material without relenting, making it a trademark release in death metal clan. this mean, there's no denying it. was released, Ajojing death metal bands started popping up all over the place. In terms of composition, you can hear how better they got at Groovy Attack and Breakdown to complement the Monolithic Hardcore Metal influenced brutal death metal riffing. Also the music in general is more memorable and expressive, more violent. change themes more often in this material, songs are more real dynamic and less repetitive, in this case it's a good thing. Apart from that you have the band's trademark sound. Fast blast beat sections mixed with hardcore riffs thrown in here and there, and heavy breakdowns, decorated with nice broken guitar playing techniques. Bring back the trademark of 420, Between Two Evils, Internal Bleeding, Dehumanized, Dying Fetus, Entorturement and Repudilation keep being relentless and Aggressive, Gore, Mayhem and Generally Brutality, a word favoured by many DM freak fans.
Menandai eksistensi tanpa batas-nya, dengan penuh Jumawa nan Brengsek, VULGAR BUTCHERED bersiap memperkenalkan materi full album ke-2 bertitel " The Necronymphomaniac " yang telah dikerjakan sejak akhir Tahun 2020 silam, karena terjadi musibah fatal tentang hilang-nya data serta materi saat akan take vocal, walau dengan sangat berat hati dan hopeless, akhirnya materi " The Necronymphomaniac " harus menjalani proses dari NOL kembali ! materi yang memang kembali mengadopsi karakteristik style era EP " Violent Spasms and Decaying Enzymes ", VULGAR BUTCHERED masih solid dan konsisten menawarkan gempuran BDM dengan sentuhan Slam Groovy New York style nanti via 9 Track Gress mematikannya ! The individual performances are most impressive, It's mindless fun and great to headbang to, it definitely possesses a high level of fist-pounding energy and it's just great fun to listen to. this is pretty basic NYDM that just happens to have slams crammed in, there's not a lot of Deathcore found here apart from the Blast/groove template material operates from and you are completely bombarded with the most intense, visceral, white-knuckled savagery that only a band like this can deliver.
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