[ N e w s ] VA. FUCKED TO DEATH Compilation Release on 24 October 2024


Tidak ada tendensi apa-apa ataupun siapa dibalik lahirnya kompilasi sederhana ini, masih seperti kebanyakan rilisan kompilasi yang sudah ada. sebagai penanda atau semacam groundbreaking ide untuk mengumpulkan beberapa lagu sebagai wujud swadaya atau kolektif menjadi 1 wadah untuk mencapai tujuan bersama menjadi sebuah sarana publikasi bersama secara menyeluruh, maka lahirlah sebuah Album kompilasi bertajuk " Fucked to Death ". pada edisi pertama kompilasi yang nampaknya lebih didominasi band dengan genre spesifik Death metal, Reprisal Promotions tetap masih menjadi perpanjangan obsesi memperkenalkan debut keroyokan dalam satu rilisan ini.

Proses produksi album kompilasi rilisan Reprisal Promotions tetap dipandang sebagai suatu ranah di mana terjadi perjuangan atau manuver. Para individu yang telah memiliki modal tetap harus menyesuaikan konsep album kompilasi. Ada empat katagori modal, yaitu modal ekonomi, modal sosial (berbagai jenis relasi bernilai dengan pihak lain yang bermakna), modal kultural (pengetahuan sah satu sama lain), dan modal simbolis (prestise dan gengsi sosial). Peneliti melihat keempat modal pada setiap individu dengan tujuan untuk melihat pembentukan habitus musikal. Individu yang memiliki modal simbolis besar (dominan) akan mengisyaratkan tindakan eksplisit maupun implisit kepada individu yang memiliki modal simbolis kecil (terdominasi). Individu terdominasi akan mengikuti tindakan atau perintah dari individu dominan karena dianggap sesuatu yang terlegitimitas. Tindakan atau perintah kerap diikuti oleh kekerasan simbolik. Kekerasan simbolik adalah kekerasan dalam bentuk sangat halus yang diberikan pada individu tanpa mengundang resistensi, tetapi malah mengundang konformitas sebab sudah mendapat legitimasi sosial karena bentuknya yang sangat halus.

Kekerasan simbolik dipengaruhi oleh doxa yang cenderung mengatur kehidupan sosial. Doxa itu sendiri merupakan kestabilan dan keterikatan tatanan sosial dalam diri individu pada tradisi, serta terdapat kekuasaan yang sepenuhnya ternaturalisasi dan tidak dipertanyakan. Doxa berada pada tatanan tinggi dan dimiliki di bawah alam bawah sadar individu, sehingga apa yang diterimanya dianggap sesuatu kebenaran yang mutlak. Pengisi album kompilasi menganggap Music Director adalah orang yang bertugas menjaga benang merah dan memiliki kemampuan bermusik yang baik. Keberadaan karya seni baru bisa dikatakan sebagai objek simbolis jika dia diakui dan dikenali. Artinya, jika dilembagakan secara sosial sebagai karya seni dan diterima oleh para penikmat yang sanggup mengenali dan mau mengakuinya sebagai karya seni. Album kompilasi sudah bisa disebut objek simbolis karena sudah diakui, dikenali, dan diterima oleh pencinta musik extreme metal, khususnya di scene tanaha air.

Mungkin sebelumnya sudah pernah Reprisal Promotions hadirkan sebuah kompilasi yang di motori pertama kali adalah Kompilasi " Reprisal Promotions Sampler " yang pertama kali dirilis 2017 ketika untuk kali awal menjadi rujukan Reprisal Promotions band release sekaligus memperkenalkan beberapa nama yang jelas masih " Sangat " hijau untuk diperkenalkan, yup sekaligus seperti istilah murahan GJ seperti " Cek Ombak ". kompilasi tersebut disediakan dalam format fisik dan kini sudah tersedia dalam format Digital, karena tersedia sangat terbatas, format fisik sudah tidak diproduksi kembali. kemudian setelah itu tahun 2022 lahir-lah Kompilasi varian lainnya, " The Dark of the Nameless - The Hidden Chambers Reveals the Past ", adalah spesifik memuat konten genre Kegelapan alias Black Metal, disusul kemudian ditahun yang sama, kompilasi " Darkens ", Kompilasi kegelapan yang spesial Reprisal Promotions persembahkan for the true blacker ! menampilkan track-track gress yang belum pernah kalian dengar sebelumnya serta beberapa roster band hitam terbaru yang mempublish single dari debut gress-nya. Komplasi Keras Black Metal Anti Loyo Dijamin Bakal Ngasih Tamparan Yang Lebih Berarti Untuk Tidak Main Main Di Genre Yang Notabene Kelam Dan Mengerikan Ini. lalu tahun 2023 rilis kompilasi ke-2 " The Dark of the Nameless Chapter. II " karena respon yang bagus dari seluruh penjuru dunia dari penjualan format digital dan tahun 2024 dirilis Kompilasi Agresif dan Liar, GORE:GRIND ! Yups, sebuah konspirasi yang tidak jahat lagi, tapi terlalu keji untuk diungkapkan. Beberapa Materi baru menghancurkan dari new comer roster Reprisal Promotions terutama dari genre Grindcore dan Death Metal.

" Fucked to Death ", diharapkan akan selalu menjadi media propaganda rilisan band-band yang akan datang memperkenalkan eksistensi-nya Khusus roster Reprisal Promotions sebagai induk produktifitas kegilaan berkarya tanpa batas. karena  Album Kompilasi dapat membantu pembentukan habitus musikal yang tercipta melalui album kompilasi band-band yang bernaung dibawah Bendera Reprisal Promotions sebagai pembentukan habitus musikal pengisi album kompilasi. Album kompilasi dapat dikatakan sebagai produksi kultural karena dihasilkan oleh individu dalam suatu ranah sosial. Individu itu sendiri memiliki habitus yang tercipta dari disposisi-disposisi mereka dimulai dari kanak-kanak pada suatu ranah. Habitus dibentuk melalui pendidikan dan interaksi antara individu yang mendiami suatu ruang sosial. Singkatnya, habitus merupakan tindakan atau sikap yang terakumulasi dan dinamis mengikuti ranah sosial, sehingga habitus setiap individu berbeda-beda. Perbedaan habitus musikal awal dari setiap pengisi atau pemain dikonstruksi mengikuti konsep album kompilasi. Hal ini dikarenakan produk habitus bersifat spesifik dan beradaptasi dengan ranah. Ranah merupakan sistem sosial yang bersifat relasional antara posisi objektif. Pada ranah terdapat perjuangan untuk memperebutkan sumber atau pertaruhan dan akses terbatas (field of stuggle).


01. Abraphobic - Hopeless
02. Carrionage - Purification the Torment
03. Devirginated - Unforeseen the Malevolence
04. Enraged Stubborn - Your Mind has Died
05. Exorcise - Manipulated the Faith
06. Festering Corpses - Bloodshed by Pieces
07. Hellvst - Excruciating the Sickness
08. Holder Of The Burden - The Blackest Blood, the Darkest Design
09. Masticate the Abominations - Disconnected and Scattered
10. Molested Dissection - Eradicate the Source of Bleeding
11. Protagonist Innocence - On the Humans Conflict
12. Savage Harvest - Betrayed the Benevolent
13. Thunderbeast - De-evolved
14. Windswept - Taste of Dead Finality

#Credit Track

@Abraphobic - Hopeless
Taken from " Hopeless " Single 2024

Seperti berada di persimpangan kosmik perputaran musikal pada era Obituary, Return to Forever, Pink Floyd, hingga King Crimson yang kemudian melahirkan karakteristik spektakuler death metal di era keindahannya ketika nama Cynic mulai diperhitungkan pada materi awalnya. Kemampuan untuk memadukan riff death metal yang menggetarkan, tekstur yang lembut dan penuh perhatian, serta polyrhythmic tune harmoni yang rumit namun terarah ke dalam permadani sonik yang padat, akan tetap memukau, tak peduli berapa kali pun kalian menikmati materinya. effectiveness in switching from softer to harder sections almost defies belief. Sometimes the shift is abrupt and sometimes the band transitions subtly from one to the other or even plays energetic progressions and zen passages at the same time. lumayan memberi Inspirasi lahirnya musikalitas death metal unik bagi proyek one man Herry SIC untuk kesekian kalinya, Abraphobic ! Terlepas dari setiap kegilaannya, materi lagunya mencoba tampil lebih berbeda dari kesekian Proyek. dengan penulisan lagunya yang dinamis dan ketat, namun tetap cukup longgar sehingga masih dapat dinikmati. Memadukan hampir beberapa elemen dalam apa yang mungkin merupakan perpaduan terbaik. With those scrath and shrieking vocals bring aura possess are a crucial part of the band's vision, a voice simultaneously mechanical and celestial providing a mystical yet futuristic flavoring that settles comfortably into some calming sections and soars triumphantly over knottier moments as is heard in the mesmerizing choruses.

@ Carrionage - Purification the Torment
Taken from " Purification the Torment " Single 2024

Seringkali, ketika genre old school death metal dibahas, nama Gorguts adalah nama yang sering muncul dalam benak w sebagai One man Mastermind Carrionage, Terutama ketika album debut terbaik sepanjang masa mereka, " Considered Dead ", is a classic example of traditional death metal. With vicious tone, mid tempo madness with some speedy, aggressive moments joining us as well as melodies that catch your ear, it displays the traditional ideas in a great fashion. sesuatu yang lebih dari sekedar band death metal tradisional yang digerakkan oleh riff dan drum yang keren. meski dalam hal orisinalitas dan ide yang berbeda, Pengaruh Musikalitas diawal karir keemasan Gorgus benar-benar mengukuhkan sebuah legacy yang membuat karakteristik musikal yang dikenal dan dikenang dalam scene death metal. meski Carrionage masih berangkat dari modal versi lite alias sederhana-nya, tetap memberikan sajian menarik tentang Death Metal klasik dari era 90'an. a dirty aesthetic to it that I can find appealing. The drums are absolutely perfect. They provide an extremely solid backbone to the whole album. The cymbal crashes and the pummeling bassy blast beats are exhilaratingly loud, punchy, and clear. The bass itself is nice, though I wish it were a tad bit more prominent; It can get drowned in the mix a bit. The vocals are a bit generic, though startling deft at times. And the rapidly altering tempos keeps me somewhat engaged, but not enough.

@ Devirginated - Unforeseen the Malevolence
Taken from " Unforeseen the Malevolence " Single 2024

This is noticeably more stripped-down and more immediately pummeling. yess, more fast, aggressive and leaning more towards the " Brutal " side of things on their first albums ! If this is the fortieth time you've heard that in reference to a BDM album, ignore the other thirty-nine! All others in the genre are the Ford Models A-S; Severe Torture's " Unmerciful Relentless " is the Model that got it right. materi ini memang tidak menjanjikan apapun selain Konflik otak dengan Bathin ketika tidak lagi satu harmonitas, Persetan dengan Toleransi menghargai ketidak adilan karena menurut kalian adalah pembenaran diri sendiri. and is a solid outfit that will quench any headbanger’s bloodlust and is sure to be gaining fans as they go alone ! is a Masterpieceful of Sonic Depravity that, still to this day, remains one of the most Sickening, Nefarious, and Inhuman albums released new single with new materialized Uncompromise. Special for fans old Cryptopsy, Disfigured, Severe Torture, and Fleshfeast. Impenetrable Guttural Inflection redolent of a Sepulcher wall, creating an Amusing contrast against the frivolous Insanity of the Musical Destruction.

@ Enraged Stubborn - Your Mind has Died
Taken from " Your Mind has Died " Single 2024

Somewhere between the printed page and the auditory result the whole things just gets irrevocably mixed up. The riff sets being employed tend to run together, while there are only two contrasting beats to speak of driving these songs, namely a mid-paced stomp and a chaotic blast with maybe some occasional in-between moments that tend more towards the former. bukan menjadi hal terburuk yang muncul dari kegilaan groove metal tahun 90-an, dan terkadang terasa seolah-olah ada stylized death metal yang layak terkubur di dalam beberapa musikal, tetapi ini adalah salah satu jenis konsepsional yang bahkan diehard fans death metal yang paling bersemangat sekalipun hanya ingin mendengarnya sekali dan kemudian beralih ke materi yang lebih baik. Meskipun orang dapat menunjuk ke beberapa titik terisolasi distruktural dan melihat sebuah karya perintis yang akan mengarah pada pengembangan karakteristik Death metal dengan Slam berikutnya, di sini apa yang ditawarkan dapat lebih dipahami sebagai Ide yang kacau tidak koheren memiliki rooyt hardcore yang sama, namun gagal untuk benar-benar berkomitmen pada apa pun yang menyerupai gaya brutal namun terorganisir dan dicabik cabik nuansanya Enraged Stubborn menjadi semakin enjoy dan memberi sengatan tersendiri buat kalian yang menginginkan perpaduan nakal gaya Disfigured, Misery Index, Malignancy hingga Pyrexia. demonstrations of total destructive speed, that side of the band has been treated with respect and given it's time to shine, they just don't do it this time. Until the last three or four songs the band almost seems averse to being speedy and punishing, they just want to sit there and hit you with their heavy, low pitched bludgeoning. It's just the slow heavy part of the song, with all the speedy contrast almost entirely removed !

@ Exorcise - Manipulated the Faith
Taken from " Manipulated the Faith " Single 2024

The verses generally consist of brutal death metal structures alternating between menacing tremolo picking and detonating power chords, with the more articulate single note riffing slotted. The guitar composition does well dishing out the raw material and following it up with impressive technicality. The riffs have a spiky quality to them. An eminently inhospitable, jagged aura - emphasized by the boosted distortion guitar sound and the aggressive high-mids. Exorcise coba menggali lebih dalam kegelapan yang mereka hunting selama ini. meski tanpa kesempurnaan, inilah debut pertama Exorcise, absolute freaking chaos, complex song structures with parts taking turns kicking the listener's butt relentlessly For all its savagery, this conception is actually well nuanced from a purely musical perspective. Sentuhan gelap dan heavy in the vein Deicide, Morbid Angel, Incantation dan Vital Remains. Mungkin bukan langkah maju yang signifikan dalam hal inspirasi baru, tetapi nama-nama diatas benar-benar mampu bertahan dalam penciptaan style Exorcise, meski ini hanya dari bentuk kesederhanaan yang benar-benar mentah dan tak henti-hentinya, namun kehadirannya yang sedikit lebih ketat, dan semuanya tetap konsisten seperti biasanya. Tidak banyak lagi yang banyak diharapkan dalam konteks ini, I need play for Savagery Death Metal more Anger ! however, more than redeems that false start. Bookended with a thunderous, crescendoing power-chord feast, the main thrust of the song feels like tanks advancing on an unsuspecting enemy. Yet even this track contains few, if any, of the memorable riffs and precise flow of their prior effort. Whiplash inducing time changes abound, and the main riff itself seems like an extension of assault. And thus, it's on track that it becomes apparent as to how the material should be experienced - a noisy, Satanic battering ram.

@ Festering Corpses - Bloodshed by Pieces
Taken from " Bloodshed by Pieces " Single 2024

blend together because although they are all extremely chaotic, they use the exact same kind of chaos for every song, and this manifests in both the songwriting and the individual efforts form the band. all the riffs fall under three basic flavors: sharp staccato runs quickly changing pace, mid to high range tremelo picked held notes, and slow crushing sections. No solos come into play, and the tempo never tends to either a very high speed or a slow slam speed. None of the riffs really stick to my head, because they are all essentially the same three types of riffs played on different ends of the scale. The tempo changes and lightning fast staccatos are intenses impressive, but none of them really grab you by the balls and force you to bang your head or step back from the speaker's in awe of a crushing auditory assault. There is little apparent passion or ferocity outside of a savagely brutal ascetic. The guitar work is equally fascinating. The riffs on display range from razor sharp and ultra precise to blunt and hammer smashing. Each riff carries a strange aura that is equal parts morbidly disgusting and disturbingly urgent. Just imagine a hideous beast whose presence emanates a foul, stomach turning stench, and whose dismal sight is surely to provoke severe vomiting, or else, violent seizure. That is what the riffs would appear like if they were ever to take tangible form. The guttural roars delivered by the vocalist is what this monstrosity would sound like if it ever decided to speak.

@ Hellvst - Excruciating the Sickness
Taken from " Excruciating the Sickness " Single 2024

HELLVST ! lagi lagi death metal urak'an senterewe Blitar city melanjutkan repertoar Death metal mencolok tidak hanya dalam produksi tetapi juga melodi, ritme, dan taste jahat vokal, Hellvst coba menghasilkan sebuah epik dalam gaya mereka yang telah menguasai suatu bentuk untuk bermain pada tingkat yang lebih dapat diakses secara luas, tetapi di sini membuatnya berhasil dengan komposisi yang kasar tetapi akan lebih memuaskan secara sensual yang mendedikasikan komposisi melodinya ke ruang harmonik yang dialokasikan melalui modalitas skala art rock yang memberikan kenyamanan rotasi nada yang familiar. hold true to their style while laying out downright catchy, almost pop tunes crafted from a blasting blur of bass and percussion, offering mostly on the second intricate fare, including some excellent harmonizations to provide internally melodic, lush metal that is reminiscent of Unanimated. Nicely it is fit together into a consistent package, with the rushing tempo restlessness that made Hellvst an expanding depth of rhythm. The dynamic intensity and neo-classicist atonal composition of varying strength in this new incarnation, with songs ranging from grippingly focused and tense to almost background music like rockin or most heavy fuckin metal.

@ Holder Of The Burden - The Blackest Blood, the Darkest Design
Taken from " The Blackest Blood, the Darkest Design " Single 2024

Komposisi musikal yang solid dan gelap ala Blackened style yang bisa diterima dalam situasi eksperimentasi, aransemen lagu yang bertempo cepat, kemarahan vokal yang melangkah dua kali, menggeram, menjerit diantara kegilaan serta pilihan nada yang sederhana ala Black metal band. balance dark brutality, athleticism, vocal hooks and savage breakdowns. anchoring everything from the middle of the track. It begins with a Slayer-ish riff, then then opens up into a bruising pile of riffs, high-pitched screams. This is explosive in a way that most death metal has never sought to be. Holder Of The Burden approached death metal from a blackened hardcore perspective. Everything is tight and infectious!

@ Masticate the Abominations - Disconnected and Scattered
Taken from " Disconnected and Scattered " Single 2024

It's a heavy guitar tone, it's ridiculously bassy and brutal enough, but it's a bit too restrained in how aggressive it sounds. It genuinely sounds like you're listening to somebody playing this album around the corner. It just doesn't quite crackle, scream or hit you hard enough. It's just not sufficiently punchy. It's also thick, creating a sort of layer that makes basically every slam sound alike, even when they're clearly different. The tone is still efficient enough to render the bass guitar entirely redundant, which is actually good because you can't fucking hear it anyway. Warna Slam yang menjadi titik pusat dari sebuah masterpiece Masticate the Abominations adalah inti dari genre ini, namun ketika kalian terlalu ekstrem dalam mempertahankan konsep tersebut, hal itu justru terlihat bodoh bagi saya. Tentu saja, Slam adalah mayoritas dari sebuah materi yang ditawarkan Masticate the Abominationsi, tanpa menawarkan komposisi yang bisa dibilang waow, tapi Masticate the Abominations cukup meracik konsep warna tersendiri tanpa berlebihan melabeli kegilaannya, dan bukan cuman sekedar pencitraan dan Omdo, Masticate the Abominations merobek kenyataan tentang mimpi mimpi bodoh kebanyakan band yang terdengar membosankan. Vocals are really interesting, they have like a very muffling overtone while staying very dark and gurgling, which in turn doesn't even really sound much like a growl per se, but still is a guttural and brutal vocalization at that. If I could describe their singer, it would be to say that it sounds like this guy is sucking on the most brutal and blackest Slurpee in the world !

@ Molested Dissection - Eradicate the Source of Bleeding
Taken from " Eradicate the Source of Bleeding " Single 2024

TOTAL FUCKING SLAM BDM Again !!! Di tengah-tengah merebaknya kebrutalan dalam scene death metal akhir-akhir ini, seni musikal yang dulunya sempat dianggap paling mengerikan yang menghiasi imej kita seperti  " Eaten Back To Life " dan " Butchered At Birth " nya Cannibal Corpse tampak lebih menjadi cupu jika dibandingkan pada saat ini. Adegan-adegan konyol yang paling konyol dari aksi-aksi berdarah dan kotor menjijikan yang berlebihan biasanya hanya ada pada aksi-aksi porno dan slam, dan Molested Dissection siap berada di puncak persaingan mereka dalam hal slam dengan aksi-aksi yang benar-benar tolol. Lyrically there isn't much to this outfit, as can be gleaned from the overlong and overtly descriptive title, but interestingly enough the vivid descriptions of murder and cannibalism are adorned with an even more primitive and one-dimensional musical approach. Forget any sense of flash or technical intrigue, save maybe an occasional pinch harmonic amid a continual barrage of extremely basic palm-muted power chords played at punishingly low pitches, this is the king of neanderthals when it comes to death metal, stylistically speaking. There are no meaningful distinctions between songs to be found on this relentless sea of sonic dismemberment, just an ongoing and undeveloped collection of faster and slower sections. The riffs don't really differ all that much, as the drums tend to dictate the overall character of the arrangement. Indeed, what often gives this album its sense of speed is how rapidly the machine-gun and blast beats overlap with the one-dimensional groove riffs. There is no bass player credited on this album, and if one was put in by a session musician, it's significantly buried underneath the incomprehensible gurgling and pounding drums, to the point where it can't be found. Given the depth of the guitar sound, any existent bass lines are not missed and would probably serve to morph this into the same sort of sludgy mess that is quite commonplace in brutal bands of late. tetap menjadi mimpi buruk dalam merobek kenyataan tentang mimpi mimpi bodoh kebanyakan band yang terdengar membosankan, fucked them all !! I hate boring slam, I do, but it generally fails to keep my attention for all that long. This isn't anywhere near tech and there certainly aren't tempo changes out the anus but what there are are tempo changes juuust when it starts to get boring, a few million different feels when to change things up and just when to SLAM (that massive slower slam in the closer track almost entering some sort of ritual, hypnotic slam-zen), basically it's one of the most retarded, yet well-thought-out albums out there. It's solid, consistently so.

@ Protagonist Innocence - On the Humans Conflict
Taken from " On the Humans Conflict " Single 2024

Brutal death metal dapat berhasil menjadi genre idaman. Ini adalah style yang mengandalkan aspek-aspek tertentu untuk beroperasi pada level ter tinggi, dan kemudian dapat dinikmati bahkan oleh orang luar yang tidak menyukai sub-genre ini. Come to think of it, this almost sounds like early 90's brutal death generated by an AI algorithm. The slam sections are obvious and just don't groove, the single note riffage is consistently generic. It's the opposite of organic. If the band, at very least, could've provided a decent technical facet to this, as tedious as it sounds it at least could've compensated for its one-dimensional flatness. But, no: it focuses on tempo changes to grant a semblance of mobility and complexity to itself. There's no joy on this. It sounds like a job done rather than an artistic endeavor, after a careful reading of instructions, ticking all the boxes. There's no enthusiasm coming out of this, and lending a quick ear to the version of this done well, faith in the style is immediately restored. conformed by those two subgenres mentioned before. Suffocation meets Integrity. We have brutal, faster than life parts with blast beats all over; but also we have hardcore parts with beats and slow and heavy breakdowns that lay somewhere in between. Pinch harmonics play an important role on the band's sound, as well as sweep picking stuff that sounds pretty technical. The vocals are not favoured by the recording either but you can hear the depth and power of those emotional growling and gutturals. The sectional composition of most of these songs is also fairly dynamic, in spite of all the tech. elements being tossed around. The breakdown sections mimic the well known NYHC model, albeit in a somewhat more meandering fashion, and are the only real point of change up to be found from the mechanical speed and blast sections.

@ Savage Harvest - Betrayed the Benevolent
Taken from " Betrayed the Benevolent " Single 2024

Decided to form a band and create some of the most darkened, hard-hitting, and Energetic Straightforward Indonesian Death Metal on the scene. come from Small Blitar City, East Java. Savage Harvest come decided to give the scene just what it needed. Something that captured the genuine chaos and anger that death metal was always hyped up to be. With their upcoming first album breakthrough entitled " Ignore the Truth ", band succeeded, and created an absolutely chaotic, brutal, and dark atmosphere well-written Straight Death Metal material. Musically, the album is much more Intense than before, as well as much rawer and faster. That being said, it does not sound like a completely different band; it's still unmistakably Savage Harvest, just a more insane ! Especially fans from mixture in the vein Old Kataklysm, Morbid Angel, Blood of Christ and Brutality.

@ Thunderbeast - De-evolved
Taken from " De-evolved " Single 2024

There is nothing wrong with Blasphemous songwriting, and it is possible to create original and Engaging Darkened era material in this day and age. the frenzied dark of killing force riffage and the devastating drum for attempting a more interesting and epic album each time out the starting gate bit too brutal for its own good, and the complex, epic songwriting got lost in the speed and stacatto deathgrunts. this is some of the most punishing material for fans Behemoth, Vesania, Angelcorpse and Belphegor. Arrrrgghhh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

@ Windswept - Taste of Dead Finality
Taken from " Taste of Dead Finality " Single 2024

When it comes to the mix of black metal and death metal, no band is more punishing and unforgiving. While I personally see them more black metal-leaning when taking into account of their general discography, their unique mix of black and death metal is a lot more extreme than your typical blackened death metal band, but also not extreme enough to be in the war metal realms. with just enough downtime to make it interesting instead of a nonstop explosion, just enough atmospheric effects to spice it up without taking attention away from the aggression, and just enough much needed rhythmic sections between the extreme metal pummelmania to solidify these songs into, well songs, instead of a series of indistinguishable and fast riffs. The diverse vocal styles also help make this song more exciting. Constantly shifting between death metal growls and black metal shrieks is almost always a great touch and let’s you know: yes this band is crazy. Don’t fuck with Windswept; they will not only torture you in the name of satan but probably devour your mangled carcass afterwards.

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